General conditions for the use of the Vimar La Linea S.L. website

Vimar La Linea (henceforth Vimar Construcciones) situated in Camino del Almendral, 24 – La Linea de la Concepcion. Postal code 11300 – Cadiz. CIF: B11572104, represented by Vicente Fernandez Ruiz, NIF; 32024873H, offers you its website, where you can find information about our work.

These general conditions govern only and exclusively the use of the Vimar Construcciones website by USERS who acceed to it.
The present general conditions will be shown to the USER in the website in each and every one of its pages and every time a USER introduces his personal information in the existing forms, to be read, printed, filed and accepted via internet, the USER not being able to introduce his information effectively if these conditions are not accepted.

Vimar La Linea S. listed in the “Registro Mercantile de Cadiz, Asiento531, Tomo 1566, Folio 127, Hoja CA – 23814, Inscipción 1º , CIF B-11572104.”

Access to the Vimar Construcciones website implies total acceptance of the present general conditions of use which the USER declares to fully understand. The USER promises not to use the website and the services offered in it, fot any unlawful action and to respect at all times the present general conditions.


1.1.- Access to the Vimar Construcciones webside does not oblige the USER to sign in, unless the USER wishes to use the data base of the items described in In this case it is necessary to sign in, filling in a basic form.

This subscription is goverened by the specific general conditions. The conditions of access and use of the present website are strictly goverened by the legality in force and by the principle of good faith, the USER hereby promising to use the web correctly. Any action that goes against the law, the rights or interests of third parties, the right to intimacy, protection of personal information, intellectual property etc. is forbidden. Vimar Construcciones expressly forbids the following:

1.1.1.- Any action which could in any way, within the web o via the web, cause any harm to the Vimer Construcciones systems or third parties.

1.1.2.- To carry out any type of publicity or give commercial information directly or indirectly, without the pertinent authorization. Also the sending of long emails (spamming) and long messages in order to block the web. (mail bombing).

1.2.-Vimar Construcciones can, at any moment, block access to its website if it detects use against the law, against good faith or against the present general conditions. – see clause five.

TWO. CONTENTS.- The contents published in the website have been elaborated and added by:

2.1.- Vimar Construcciones using internal and external sources, so that Vimar Construcciones accepts responsability solely for the contents elaborated from internal sources.

2.2.- Third parties outside Vimar Construcciones, either through direct colaboration with the website or present via hiperlinks, o links with other websites, or news from other sites which are not Vimar Construcciones, Vimar Construcciones is not in any way responsable for the data introduced in this way and does not guarantee the correct working of all these links and hiperlinks. The USER who wishes to establish a hiperlink from his website to the website of Vimar Construcciones is not incurring in illegal use or acting against the good faith of the information displayed in the aforementioned website.

2.3.- Vimar Construcciones reserve the right to modify the existing context of its website at any moment.

THREE. COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK. Vimar Construcciones declares that the website , its contents , the programme and design of the website are totally protected by copyright. Any reproduction, destribution or transformation of the cited protected elements is without the consent of Vimar Construcciones. Vimar Construccions uses external sources for the creation of its contents on certain occasions and also establishes links or hiperlinks to items or information of third parties, always quoting the source. The legitimate owner of the copyright of the information included in this manner can, at any moment, ask for these to be removed.

FOUR. JURISDITION AND APPLIED LAW.- The present general conditions are governed by Spanish legislation. The Law Courts of La Lines de la Concepcion are competent for solving any controversy or conflict that may arise from the present general conditions, the USER expressly renouncing any other judicial power that could correspond.

FIVE.- In the case that any clause of this document were to be declared null and void, the rest of the clauses remain in force and will be interpreted bearing in mind the will of the different parties and the selfsame finality of the present conditions. Vimar Construcciones may, in some cases, not execute any one of the rights or powers conferred in this document. This does not imply in any case the renunciation of those, save express acknowledgement on the part of Vimar Construcciones.